Wednesday, September 17, 2008


No, not a MAJOR plateau, but a plateau none-the-less. I lost 1 pound last week, then gained 1 pound this week so I'm still at 16#s lost. I'm going to concentrate on more veggies this week and see if that will help. Although I HAVE stayed on points, I haven't been making sure I get my 5 veggies/fruits EVERYDAY. If you have any ideas for getting extra veggies, please share them!

I got a new phone. Actually we ALL got new phones. We got the Rumor by LG. I got blue, Joel got white, Adam got green and Carl got black. We are happy with them so far (only had them for 2 days). The boys love that it has a qwerty keyboard. They do a LOT of texting, usually averaging about 4000 each per month. My bluetooth doesn't work very well with this phone so I am trying to decide if I will get another bluetooth. I have really become dependent on it.

Yesterday was Craft Day! I am about 1/3 of the way done with my Christmas shopping and have lots more ideas that I just haven't found the item yet. I would love to share some of the great gifts I've found, but I have friends and family reading. Don't want them figuring out what they are getting!

I am fixing pork tenderloin for dinner tonight.


Teri said...

You will get over the plateau. Keep going. And congratulations!

Any new pictures of Scarlett?

Glenda, saved by grace said...

I need incentive to get back to loosing weight...It really is HARD!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. Plateaus are our bodies way of getting used to a new weight. You will see them on the way up as well as the way down. Then whoosh...all of a sudden the scale will be your friend again. Don't get discouraged it happens to all dieters at one time or another.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the incentive to start losing weight. I need to lose 16#s before summer comes.

Teri said...

Post something. It's fun!!!!

mary said...

Even though I'm a vegetarian, I don't think I get 5 fruits and veggies a day. my husband says I'm the only vegetarian that doesn't like veggies. It's not really true. But it used to be. I was the original meat and potatoes gal.
It's fun to hear from you. Keep the posts coming and congrats on your readership!